Monday, December 7, 2009

Community Development Worker Newsletter

Click HERE to see the Rethink Community Development Worker Newsletter

Signpost Kent News

For those of you who have not yet seen a copy, click HERE to see the first edition of Signpost Kent News!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Live It Well Launch Drop In


The site will launch with an open day on the 8th of December at Canterbury Umbrella, St Peters Place, Canterbury, CT1 2DB

We will be there from 10.00am to 4.30pm and will be happy to answer any computer related queries. We could help you get more out of email, set up your own blog or website or learn how to use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.

The press will be there and there will be sandwiches provided!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Consultation on drug and alcohol guidance for schools

The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) has opened consultation on new drug and alcohol guidance for schools.

Consultation closes 15th February 2010

Click here to read more:

Drugs: Guidance for Schools

Consultation on drug and alcohol guidance for schools

The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) has opened consultation on new drug and alcohol guidance for schools.

Consultation closes 15th February 2010

Click here to read more:

Drugs: Guidance for Schools

Carers to be priortiy group for swine flu jab

The Chief Medical Officer, Sir Liam Donaldson has said that carers would a priority group for vaccinations against swine flu. This is to protect the welfare of those being cared for who may be at risk if their carer falls ill.

To read more click here:

NHS Staff to transform patient care

Twenty new projects, designed by frontline NHS staff to transform patient care were announced by Care Services Minister Phil Hope on Social Enterprise Day. All frontline staff working in Primary Care Trusts can set up a social enterprise to improve their services under the 'right to request' scheme. Projects include a wide range of services, including those for homeless people, children and young people and mental health services.

To read more click here:

Dignity in care training pack

Diginity in care training pack released, click here for more information:

Credits for Caring Scheme

The Princess Royal Trust for Carers has called for the introduction of a ‘Credits for Caring’ scheme. One million carers would get extra support and over £0.5billion new money would be available for carers if the system were adopted, say experts at The Trust.

For the full press release click here:,5274,NW.html

Sainsbury Centre welcomes government plan to implement Bradley report

Sainsbury Centre welcomes government plan to implement Bradley report

The Government has issued a comprehensive five-year action plan for improving the support people with mental health problems get in the criminal justice system.

See the full press release by clicking here:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

KCA Psychological Therapy Providers - New Thanet Website

KCA now have a site specifically for Thanet - it provides all the contact information you need plus the times and locations of drop in sessions etc.

Take a look at

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Get Involved - New Horizons Consultation Event FREE!

The Future of Mental Health, the consultation event around New Horizons, London on 28 September is now available to attend at no cost.

Hear leading figures from mental health, including from the Department of Health, explain what the new vision entails and how it impacts particularly on local authorities and social care.

Click HERE for details on how to book to attend this event free of charge.

Rethink East Kent Carer Support Service

Rethink East Kent Carer Support Service
Drop in advice and support service for carers of people with mental illness
At the Thanet Gateway on the first Wednesday of every month
11 am until 1 pm
No appointment needed
For further information contact Tim Burns on 07976525051

Movie Release - The Soloist

Why not grab a friend and head out to the cinema?

The Soloist is based on the true story of Nathaniel Ayers, played by Jamie Foxx, a musican who becomes schizophrenic and homeless and his relationship with the columnist Steve Lopez played by Robert Downey Jr.

The film is out now and has received great reviews! Check out the official site HERE or contact your local cinema to find out screening times.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thanet User Forum - Singing On Top Of The World!

Come along and join Thanet User Forum members and sing traditional songs and popular songs with a skilled group leader. All singing abilities welcome - even if you think you can't sing. A fun time is waiting for you!

  • Enjoy your self
  • Learn new skills
  • Feel relaxed
  • Make new friends
You can bring a friend or relative along with you to the singing groups - all are most welcome.

For more information please call Maggie Gallant or Isobel Salisbury on 01393 229878

Mental Health Advice Drop In Service

KCA have launched their Mental Health Advice Drop In Service

Drop In Clinics are availiable at the Gateway Centre from 9.30am to 1.00pm in Margate and between 1.00pm and 3.00pm at the Porchlight premises in Ramsgate.

Psychological Wellbeing Workshops

Do you want to improve your emotional wellbeing?

If you answer "yes" to any of these questions KCA may be able to help:

  • "When I think about things I get panicky"
  • "I cry over silly things or for no reason at all"
  • "I have problems getting to sleep or staying asleep
  • "Seeing people often seems too much"
Why not attend one of the new wellbeing workshops run by trained Psychological Wellbeing Practioners starting in Ramsgate on the 24th of September? Workshops are available to help with self esteem, stress, anxiety and low mood contact KCA on 01843 593832 for more information.

Rethink Survey - Your Voice Counts!

Rethink's Black and Minority Ethnic Community Development Service is currently carrying out a survey called 'Your voice counts' - for every member of the Kent and Medway community to feedback their views.

Further information can be found below, and you can follow this link to take part in the survey:

Reena Sooch, Service manager CDW service, states:“Whether it is depression, anxiety, stress or panic we all have experience of ourselves or someone we know suffering a mild or moderate mental health problem and if we don’t receive treatment or support these problems can often become worse. We want to ensure that every individual is aware of support available to them and is able to access it without any barriers. There are many more severe mental health problems such as Schizophrenia, Bulimia or Post traumatic stress disorder, which also affect a significant number of people in our communities and they too with the right treatment can look towards recovery and hope.

'Your voice counts', with this survey we need to understand what our local community feel are necessary changes to improve access to mental health services. We would like to hear your voice about your experiences in accessing mental health services locally and your suggestions for improvements. Your opinion, experiences and suggestions will be involved in making changes that affect lives positively by improving services. Your contribution towards this survey is vital and will be much appreciated.”

All responses are confidential and will only be used for the purpose of identifying gaps in local services and to look at ways of improving service provision.

Any concerns or queries about this survey please

Thank you.

Thanet Mental Health Informal Day Services

Richmond Fellowship Thanet Informal Day Services aim to provide a simple access to point to community based services for people experiencing mental health difficulties. The Richmond Fellowship aims to promote awareness of a diverse range of services already in existence within the local community, such as leisure facilities, social groups and cultural activities; as well as support services.

Richmond Fellowship aims to provide support and access to opportunites tailored to the specifc needs of the individual, but we also recognise that those needs may change from time to time along the individual's road to recovery. It is for this reason that the Richmond Fellowhip aims to provide a consistent point of contact for the individual to ensure that those changing needs are always met.

The Richmond Fellowships objectives are:
  • To decreas social isolation by linking individuals to social activites both within mental health services and the wider community and to maintain existign social relationships
  • To give service users the opportunity and support ot run their own services and give support to one another
  • To ensure that those with severe and enduring mental health problems are given equal opportunity to access services and are not excluded
  • To maximise choice and self determination by facilitation of the recovery journey

The Richmond Fellowship will accept referrals directly from individuals desiring the service (including assisted referrals from Adult Services or Health Service professional

The Richmond Fellowhsip; Thanet Mental Health Informal Day Services, 2 Cecil Square, Margate, Kent, CT9 1BD

Tel: 01842 280022 or

Time to Change

You can pick up some great information on the Time to Change Campaign - seeking to end mental health discrimination at

You can also order leaflets and other promotional items for your service to display by following this link:

Let us know if you take part in or hold a Time to Change event by emailing

Well Being For All

Celebrate World Mental Health Day in East Kent 12th to the 16th October

A week long exhibition in Margate Library

We Need YOUR poetry, photos, art, your time, your enthusiam and your support!

For more details or to offer your help please get in touch with Maggie Gallant at

Great Porchlight Website

Have you seen the Porchlight website?

Porchlight are one of the foremost charities supporting vulnerable and homeless people in Kent.

Their website is great - take a look HERE!

New Singing Groups - Starting 21st September!

Join one of the NEW singing groups running across East Kent!

Feel the benefits of singing with a group - meet new people, have fun and come along, even if you think you can't sing!

See below for all the starting dates:

Monday 21st September: Deal; The Exchange, 25 Stanhope Road, Deal, CT14 6AB 1.30pm - 2.30 pm

Broadstairs; Canterbury Christ Church University, Broadstairs Campus, Northwood Road, CT10 2WA 5.30pm -6.30pm

Tuesday 22nd September: Ashford; The CentrePiece, Bank Street, TN23 1BA
2.00pm - 3.00pm

Folkestone; The Cube Adult Education Centre, Tontine Street, CT20 1SD
Fitness Studio, 3rd Floor 5.00pm-6.00pm

Wednesday 23rd September: Sheerness; The Healthy Living Centre, off the Broadway, ME12 1HH, 2.00pm - 3.00pm

Faversham; Faversham Umbrella Centre, Court Street, ME13 7AT

Friday 25th September:Whitstable; Whitstable Umbrella Community Centre, St. Mary's Hall, Oxford Street, Whitstable CT5 1DD 4.00pm - 5.00pm

Saturday 26th September: Folkestone; University Centre Folkestone, Mill Bay, Folkestone, Kent, Ct20 1JG 11.30am-12.30pm

Contact for more information:Isobel Salisbury
Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts & Health
University Centre Folkestone
Mill Bay, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1JG
Tel. 01303 220870

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Horizons Consultation

Following on from the first New Horizons consultation event on the 25th June, you now have the opportunity to participate in an online discussion that will feed into the Department of Health's consultation process for New Horizons.

From the 7th of September 2009, the IDeA's Healthy Communities Programme will be hosting a discussion on their Community of Practice (Cop) on this new mental health strategy.The discussion will focus on the well-being framework, which identifies the root causes of poor mental health and suggests cost-effective interventions that communities can use to promote mental well-being.

Each week a different element of the well-being framework and the recommended interventions will be used as the discussion topic. From the discussion we would like to know whether you think any gaps exist, whether you think any interventions are missing, what national support you would find helpful and whether you have any examples of best practice you would like to share.

To participate in this discussion please follow the joining instructions below: Go to and under 'Register and become a member today' select 'Register'Enter your details as requested and select 'confirm and complete'You will receive a confirmation email. Click the link to activate your account and search for 'healthy communities' to locate the CoP. Once you have found the CoP click on join.

Your application will then be accepted and you will have full access to the community. To locate the New Horizons Consultation Discussion click on the Forum tab and then click on the Mental Health theme.

Or once you are registered to the Healthy Communities CoP use this link: you have trouble registering please contact

New Horizons Consultation

Following on from the first New Horizons consultation event on the 25th June, you now have the opportunity to participate in an online discussion that will feed into the Department of Health's consultation process for New Horizons.

From the 7th of September 2009, the IDeA's Healthy Communities Programme will be hosting a discussion on their Community of Practice (Cop) on this new mental health strategy.
The discussion will focus on the well-being framework, which identifies the root causes of poor mental health and suggests cost-effective interventions that communities can use to promote mental well-being.

Each week a different element of the well-being framework and the recommended interventions will be used as the discussion topic. From the discussion we would like to know whether you think any gaps exist, whether you think any interventions are missing, what national support you would find helpful and whether you have any examples of best practice you would like to share.

To participate in this discussion please follow the joining instructions below:

Go to and under 'Register and become a member today' select 'Register'

Enter your details as requested and select 'confirm and complete'

You will receive a confirmation email. Click the link to activate your account and search for 'healthy communities' to locate the CoP. Once you have found the CoP click on join.

Your application will then be accepted and you will have full access to the community. To locate the New Horizons Consultation Discussion click on the Forum tab and then click on the Mental Health theme.

Or once you are registered to the Healthy Communities CoP use this link:
If you have trouble registering please contact

Rethink Survey - Your Voice Counts

Rethink are currently carrying out a survey called 'Your voice counts' - for every member of the Kent and Medway community to feedback their views.

Further information can be found below, and you can follow this link to take part in the survey:

Reena Sooch, Service manager CDW service, states:“Whether it is depression, anxiety, stress or panic we all have experience of ourselves or someone we know suffering a mild or moderate mental health problem and if we don’t receive treatment or support these problems can often become worse. We want to ensure that every individual is aware of support available to them and is able to access it without any barriers. There are many more severe mental health problems such as Schizophrenia, Bulimia or Post traumatic stress disorder, which also affect a significant number of people in our communities and they too with the right treatment can look towards recovery and hope.

'Your voice counts', with this survey we need to understand what our local community feel are necessary changes to improve access to mental health services. We would like to hear your voice about your experiences in accessing mental health services locally and your suggestions for improvements. Your opinion, experiences and suggestions will be involved in making changes that affect lives positively by improving services. Your contribution towards this survey is vital and will be much appreciated.”

All responses are confidential and will only be used for the purpose of identifying gaps in local services and to look at ways of improving service provision.

Any concerns or queries about this survey please

Thank you.

Credit Crunch Stressline


The 'credit crunch stressline' has been launched, further information can be found on the following website:-

Information relating to DLA


Below is a link relating to Disability Living Allowance changes, for your information.

Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust's Annual Report


Please find below the link to the Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust's Annual report.

Friday, August 28, 2009



Canterbury and Coastal Rethink Carers' Support Group are holding an open meeting on Tuesday 15th September 2009, 7.30 pm at the Canterbury Umbrella (rear entrance, St Peter's Place, Canterbury, CT1 2DB).

There will be a presentation from Steven Howles, Senior Associate with the law firm Clarke Willmott about INHERITANCE PLANNING - WILLS, INHERITANCE TAX AND DISCRETIONARY TRUSTS.

Admission is free, with tea/coffee and biscuits provided.

For further details please contact the Area Joint Voluntary Coordinators, Chris and Cheryl Ives on 01227 760707 or email

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Some interesting information from Dave Woodward

Dear all,

A couple of news items you may be interested in which thought i would put on the blogs for information

Dave Woodward

Films aim to tackle stigma of mental illness

10th August 2009 Mental Health Foundation

Two films that aim to tackle the stigma surrounding mental health have been launched today. Time to Change, a mental health anti-stigma campaign, is launching the films to coincide with a YouGov poll that reveals more than a third (34%) of the public believe people diagnosed with schizophrenia are likely to be violent.

Full Press Release

Six out of 10 suffer in silence with mental illness

10th August 2009 - Mental Health Foundation

More than six out of ten people with a mental illness will suffer in silence for at least a year before seeking help, it emerged today.

A new study showed almost a half of all patients will not discuss their condition with friends, while a fifth believe there is still a stigma attached to their illness.

The survey by St Patrick's University Hospital also showed more than half of all people felt afraid when diagnosed.

Some 37% were also ashamed and 29% embarrassed.

Paul Gilligan, chief executive of the mental health service provider in Dublin, said there are still many obstacles preventing sufferers from mental health problems from accessing appropriate care and treatment.

Full Press Release

Thursday, August 13, 2009

5 year Mental Health Strategy

In partnership with the Health and Social Care Advisory Service (HASCAS), the three Kent PCT's are developing a five year Mental Health strategy based upon the shared vision of service users, carers, staff and commissioners.

HASCAS have set up a group site, which enables you to participate by giving your comments or by contributing to discussions. You can also view the Draft Vision document, and the feedback from the four consultation events.

Get involved at:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Welcome to your new blog!

Welcome to your new blog!

Use the blog to keep others up to date with your news, activites and any exciting or important information that you want to share.

Anyone can add to the blog, just email Heather Wells on with your update.

Any problems call Heather on 01634 382807, or email on

Get blogging!