Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Come along and find out how you can get involved and have
your voice heard with the Mental Health Forum @ The Beacon.

Tuesdays 11am-12pm :

20th November
18th December

For more information please contact Maggie or Amanda
On 01843 609 359

We look forward to seeing you there.

SpeakupCIC Bi-Polar Support Group

This group offers support & information in a warm, friendly and safe environment for anyone affected by bi-polar. Come and join us for mince pies and hot chocolate at our first meeting.

Meet @ 2.00 Thursday December 6th.

At The North Door, Christ Church, Vale Square, Ramsgate.

If you need any more information contact  Maggie on 01843 609 359

Friday, November 2, 2012

Richmond Fellowship program, November

Here is the Richmond Fellowship day service program of events in Thanet for November, plus news from the groups. There is an application form (Word document) for the groups advertised.